Best part of waking up
The donut shop smelled like faint fryer oil and bad coffee, with a haunting cicada-like buzz coming from the overhead lights
Just some things I write
The donut shop smelled like faint fryer oil and bad coffee, with a haunting cicada-like buzz coming from the overhead lights
Tamer Taungis had been dreaming in the long and eternal black. He was flying, always flying, past the old stars and planets of his galaxy.…
Tamer’s grandfather once told him that in ancient times, the sky only held stars and moons. Standing on an ocean-side cliff he couldn’t imagine the…
“Bring me the Magisters.” The walking armor buckled at its artificial knees to indicate it had registered the orders in its mechanical mind, and slowly…
Rost propelled himself on one hand for forty miles, And with the other for forty more. In this manner, He crossed the Sea of Quietude,…
“Well, what else would you call ’em?”
“I swear to God.”